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General InfraRed Server Command Language

Revision history
2014-01-06 Initial version.
2014-09-16 Added the communication section.


  • Demarcation: This deals only with sending, receiving (including decoding), storing etc of IR signals. Not: serial and other text base communication, nor the acting on received signals.
  • However, RF signals for remote control are included, since they only differs from IR signals by using another carrier signal.
  • Modularized, named modules containing commands (like Java interfaces). Written in capitalized CamelCase.
  • Inheritance within modules, multiple inheritance
  • Extensible: Developers can define new modules
  • Only the Basic module mandatory, containing the commands version and modules.
  • Very low-weight, should be implementable on e.g. Arduino.
  • As "dumb" as possible.
  • Basic version: text socket/serial interface. Versions using json, xml/soap, http/rest possible.
  • Authentication as optional module, several submodules for different sort of authentication.
  • Command structure: command [subcommand] [options] [arguments]
  • Response structure: TBD.
  • Names for IR commands, hardware: arbitrary strings using the English language, case sensitive matched using charsets.
  • Our command names: C-syntax; lowercase only, underscore discouraged. “get” and “set” left out unless necessary for uniqueness or understandability (like getcommand).


Typography: module names are in bold, command names monopitch.


This list is not an unrealistic Christmas wish list, but a list of modules, only the first one mandatory. Through the module concept, a conforming GIRS server can be anything from an Arduino with just an IR sender LED and a sketch a few pages long, and a fat server with several input- and output-devices, (each) having several transmitters, combined with a full blown data base, with user administration and authentication.

Note that there is a number of properties for e.g. LIRC that has been rejected here, in particular the ability to execute commands. (These should be handled by another program.)

A capable server should probably also implement some sort of discovery beacon, for example AMX style.



This is the only mandatory module.

  • returns manufacturer, manufacturer's version number, or another useful version string.
  • returns list of implemented modules, separated by whitespace.


Support of remotes identified by name, like LIRC.

  • argument named/uei: What type of remotes to report.
  • returns: list of remotes, either names or manufacturer/device-type/setupid
  • argument: remote in a supported format (mandatory)
  • returns: tab(?) separated list of command names, in currently selected char set.
database (module database)
argument: data base name. Required.


Support of remotes identified by manufacturer, device type (both arbitrary strings), and a setup number (most commercial data bases)

  • returns: tab separated list of manufacturers.
  • argument: manufacturer
  • returns: tab separated list of device types
  • arguments: manufacturer, device
  • return list of setup ids.
database (module database)
  • argument: data base name. Required.
database-password (module database)
  • argument:password.


Allows for accessing several devices; several instances of the same type: Names like “Greg's GlobalCaché”. (Configuration of these over this API is not intended.) Each has their own set of transmitters.

  • returns:list of known devices
outputdevice Set default output-device
  • argument: device name
  • argument device name (optional, defaulted)
  • result: list of capacites. Possible values (extensible): fmax, fmin, zero_frequency_tolerant. Inherit to transmitters.


Allows for accessing several devices; several instances of the same type: Names like “Greg's GlobalCaché”. Configuration of these over this API is not planned. An input device does not possess transmitters.

  • returns: list of known devices
inputdevice Set default input device
  • argument: device name


Same commands as OutputDevices. (????)

transmitters (module transmitters)
  • argument: output-device
  • returns: list of transmitters, max-number-transmitters-enabled
settransmitters Selects default transmitter for the output device selected. (TBD: Alternative: ditch the default transmitter and this command, thus transmitter argument mandatory.)
  • arguments:
    • output-device (optional, use default if not given)
    • transmitter ((list of) transmitters)
  • arguments:
    • output-device (optional, use default if not given)
    • transmitter transmitter (only one!)
  • result: list of capacites.Possible values (extensible): ir (connected to IR LED). Rf (connected to RF modulator) hard-carrier=frequency (in particular for RF, 433M, 868M (Hz or suffix M,k)). Inherits from outputdevicecapacities.


Access may be restricted through user rights. There is always a default output device; if the OutputDevices module is implemented, there may be more.

transmit (semantic for repeats may be implementation dependent)
  • subcommands (at least module (??) has to be implemented):
    • ccf (module ccf). Parameter: CCF string
    • raw (module raw). Parameter: frequency, duty cycle, intro, reps, ending.
    • Irp (module irp). Parameters: protocol name OR irp-protocol, parameters.
    • Name (module named-command). Parameters: remote (one of the suppoted formats), command name
  • options:
    • transmitters (module transmitter) (optional (or not?))
    • output-device (optional, otherwise use default)
    • transmit-id (module transmit-id) (optional)
    • # sends (default 1)
    • wait (wait for command completion)
  • returns: (after completion) confirmation command, with transmitter and transmit-id
stop (module Stop)
  • Argument: output-device, transmitter, transmit-id (optional)


for capturing (“learning”) of new remotes. Dumb command, intelligence should sit in the calling program.

  • Arguments: (all having sensible defaults.)
    • input-device
    • start-timeout
    • capture-timeout
    • ending-timeout
  • Returns: frequency, raw ir-sequence, optionally duty cycle.


for receiving commands, possibly for deployment solutions. Dumb command, intelligence should sit in the caller. Identifying start separately (like for volume control) not supported.

  • Arguments:
    • return format(TBD)
    • input-device
    • timeout
    • filter, syntax, (syntax, semantics TBD)
  • subcommand named (module named-command)
    • Return value: received command name (+ remote)
  • subcommand decode (module decoder)
    • Return value: protocol name, parameters
relay (module relay), to send events to other servers
  • Arguments:
    • return format (TBD)
    • protocol (http/tcp/udp/shell?)
    • portnumber
    • ipaddress
    • filter (TBD)


allows for uploading new commands to the server. May be restricted through authentication and user rights.

  • arguments: data base (optional), name, remote (in a supported format), signal in a form dependent on the subcommands.
  • subcommands
    • ccf (module ccf)
    • raw (module raw)
    • irp (module irp(?))
commit Stores the recently downloaded commands persistently.
  • Argument: data base name (optional)


allows for downloading commands from the server. Inverse of store. May be restricted through authentication and user rights.

  • Argument:
    • data base (optional)
    • output format: ccf, raw, irp,... (also other can be supported)
  • Return: command in desired format.


Several different models for access control are possible, and can be implemented through different modules. The first just requires a password to all the services. The second allows user based restrictions: Some commands/subcommands/arguments might be restricted to some users. Of course, sending passwords unencrypted over the net is not to be considered very secure, so preferably ssh or similar, or a challenge-response system should be used.

login (module password), for password protected services
  • argument: password
login (module UserPassword), for user/password protected services, possibly with different rights for different users.
  • argument: user, password
sshlogin TBD (module ssh)


Determines charset used for input and output.

  • argument: charset name.


Communication is typically taking place over a bidirectional ASCII stream, like serial, "terminal", connection or a through a TCP socket. The commands sent to the GIRS server should be of the form command [subcommand] [options] [arguments], where command can be abreviated as much as unabiguity allows (typically to the initial character). The form of the responses should be a "natural" ASCII response in the form of one line (typically); the tokens separated by whitespace.

Interacting with a GIRS server through static or dynamic linking can also be possible, either by decoding a command line, or with a number of API functions.